She's out there.....i can feel Her. i just can't reach Her.

Friday, November 11, 2005

i'm shaking just as bad leaving Her as i was coming to see Her. i have an upset stomach and all. it' s so much different now though, so much worse. it's like She's being drained from me or something. i haven't cried yet, which is good, but it sucks cos it's going to hit me hard when it does. i'm kinda glad She just walked away. i wouldn't have been able to take turning around and seeing Her there, so sad.

it's getting harder not to just break down right now. i just called Her, and to hear Her sweet voice so trembly and full of tears kills me. this is so hard. after spending everyday with Her, in Her arms, it already feels like an eternity since She left my side. it hasn't even been an hour. hopefully i can see Her in a few weeks though.

fuck i'm not used to the phone thing again. i want to be there, next to Her. i feel so lost without Her hands on me. i feel so empty without Her eyes on mine. i don't think i've ever felt so much love for, or even from Anyone. like i'm going thru withdraws from Her. this is so hard to swallow. in two hours i will be so far away from Her. as soon as She was out of my site, it felt like She was a million miles away. to say i miss Her doesn't even come close to what i really feel


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