She's out there.....i can feel Her. i just can't reach Her.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

so i went and talked to the guy about the job last night. he doesn't have any positions open right now, but he's trying to talk the owners into a female security guard. heh and apparently, i'm the perfect candidate for that. anyways, we sat there bull shitting for the better part of 3 hrs. the chic that does my tattoos works there, so she was in there with us. she decided she wanted to show off her work on my back, which happened to show off Mistresses work on my back as well. sooooo that sparked up an interesting conversatin with two men i'd never met before. it wasn't brutal though. i stayed red for most of it, but that's alright. one of the guys has a really nice cat of 9 tails hanging from the wall. and he was discussing dragon whips with me. ok so we talked about workin at the bar, tattoos and bdsm, so as you can imagine, everything else inbetween came up. just so happens that this guy has family in the carpentry business here in since he can't get me a job with him, he's gonna pass my number along and see if his brother has a crew i can work on! i'd like that so much better. he said i'd hear back in a week or so :)


Blogger DarkRebelSiren said...

I like My work better ::winks::

7:58 AM


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