She's out there.....i can feel Her. i just can't reach Her.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

i'm gonna be without internet for an uncertain amount of time. those of you who have my number can call. if not, i'll try and keep in touch somehow.

Friday, March 24, 2006

do you ever...

want to cry until there is nothing wet left in you?

want to scream until your throat rebels and ruptures?

Saturday, March 18, 2006

man i've been working my ass off. but as i always believe, my persistance pays off. i was hired on as part time, and within a matter of 2 weeks, i've managed to get full time. what else...oh, i have to start looking for an apartment on my own cos our lease is up in a few months, and my brother wants to move out of town, and my sister wants to move to another side of town that i don't think i can afford. it'll be nice though. i don't think i've had a place of my own since i was like 19. just means i've gotta save more and get some stuff. i'm finally proud of where i'm headed, and what i'm doing. the only thing upsetting in my life right now is that i don't have the time, nor the means really to enjoy my Lifestyle. but right now i can't let that get me down. it's still there, and in full force, just ummmm put on pause so to speak. i'll hopefully be able to play when this all settles down in a few months.
OOOOOHHH! i finally got my new pack, and i can officially pee standing up!! YAY now i'm just waiting on the harness so i can wear it "safely" out in public.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

it's been a long time since my last post but here's everything in a nut shell. my trip to lubbock was alright, could have been better. i managed to not see tina. which, yes that's a good thing. i hung out with jamie and kelly the whole week. got to see keni and her mom. came home and started work. have been bustin my sorry ass every since. then yesterday, to pick up some extra cash, i took on a second job. i have a trip i HAVE to make this summer, so saving is vital at this point. so that's about it. yeah

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