She's out there.....i can feel Her. i just can't reach Her.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

something so small can happen at the right moment, and make everything go away.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

nothin new goin on. still working my ass off. got full time now and a raise. gotta get off my ass and go hunt for an apartment soon. other than that, things are good and still the same. no news is good news eh.

Friday, April 14, 2006

nothing new going on really. work is work. i'm getttin more hours which is good. filled out my enrollment form for MMI, now just waiting to hear back from them. aside from that, all i've been doin is hangin out with dani. next weekend, i'm gonna start hunting for a place, hopefully they don't cut my hours at work again. i worry so much about that. what if i get a place, and do it on my own, and they cut my hours again. grunts and tries not to think about it. the fucked up part is, they aren't cutting my hours cos of anything i'm doin wrong, just because they hired someone new.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

i'm at a friends house on the computer, so i figured i'd update here.
i got my application sent to me for school. i'm applying at MMI to be a motorcycle mechanic. if all goes well, and i get accepted, i'll apply for financial aid, and hopefully start in the fall. they told me financial aid should cover about 3/4's of it, and i could get a loan for the rest.
i'll be going with my best friend Jamie. i've gotta wait 6 months before i can transfer with work though. then we can move to Phoenix, and i won't have to to the crappy ass job search thing all over again.
i'm really excited, and i hope i get accepted. i hate that the fact that i am a "female" is going to be a lot of the reason they said i'd probably get in if i do. but shit happens i guess...

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